Proseal Spray Foam Insulation
Whether in new construction or retrofit applications, spray foam insulation can greatly reduce the amount of energy your home uses to heat and cool. This means that a homeowner can see significant savings on their energy bills, making it an economical choice for many homeowners. More info
Before the spray foam can be installed, the area will need to be prepped. Often this involves cleaning the surface and ensuring that any existing insulation is removed. This will help ensure that the spray foam adheres properly and isn’t compromised by any moisture or pollutants in the air.
The spray foam is applied as a liquid and then chemically reacts and expands, filling in any gaps, cracks or crevices to create an insulating layer. The spray foam is then left to dry and cure, usually within a few hours. Once the spray foam has dried, it’s a strong and durable material that is ideal for sealing air leaks and improving your home’s energy efficiency.
Why Proseal Spray Foam is the Top Choice for Effective Insulation
There are several different types of spray foam insulation available. Closed-cell spray foam is a popular option for homes and commercial buildings as it offers a high R-value and can reduce your home’s energy consumption and carbon footprint. Open-cell spray foam is less expensive and can still provide an effective barrier against air movement. However, it tends to absorb more moisture and can require a vapor barrier in certain applications. Choosing the right type of spray foam insulation will depend on the needs and budget of each individual home or business.
“Proseal Spray Foam
825 W Main St, Hortonville, WI 54944
(715) 467-7165