Wanport Guest Internet Solutions For Your RV

September 3, 2023 0 Comments

Wanport guest internet solutions

Investing in a robust internet setup for your RV is not only important to keep you connected, but it’s a great way to promote your business and show that you care about your guests. However, Wanport guest internet solutions many people end up wasting time and money on various hardware devices (like cellular boosters) that don’t work together or a cellular data plan that isn’t reliable.

The key to success with guest internet is a high-quality cellular router (we recommend the Pepwave MAX Transit Pro Dual Modem CAT-7/CAT-12 LTE-A Router, PrimeCare Edition) that broadcasts WiFi throughout your RV, as well as a reliable cellular data plan.

Elevate Guest Experiences with Wanport’s Cutting-Edge Internet Solutions

A cellular data router is an incredibly powerful device that has a built-in cellular modem that allows you to insert multiple SIM cards for varying carriers. This gives you the ability to switch between ATT, Verizon and T-Mobile at will to get the best signal and speed possible. It also allows you to use WiFi Boosters and other WiFi Antennas.

A wireless network is an integral part of your hotel’s infrastructure that needs to support the growing number of mobile devices used by guests. The right guest internet solution helps you provide the guest experience your customers expect while reducing costs, improving efficiency and providing the security that’s necessary for PCI compliance.

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